& Coaching

I am happy to support you in English! This page gives you a brief overview of my services. If you have any questions or need more information, please contact me directly.

A warm welcome
from the UmWegGefährtin*! 

I am Christina, your companion along the rockier stretches of life's road.

As a social worker, coach and grief counsellor, I am at your side at precisely those points that are not usually shown in the guidebook: In the event of bereavement after the death of a loved one or pet and other phases of upheaval that make a personal reorientation necessary.

*UmWegGefährtin: Umweg (detour) + Gefährtin (companion) = detour companion.


We mourne those we love - that includes our animal family members. Even if it is still seen as a taboo to openly mourn a lost pet, our soul does not adhere to society's rules and differences of species. 

Don't worry, you are not overly sensitive or out of line. It is absolutely understandable that the death of your beloved pet throws you off track. In animal grief counseling, I support you just as empathetically and professionally when you lose your beloved pet as I do when you are grieving for a two-legged family member.


The loss of a loved one turns our everyday life, our emotional world and often our entire world view upside down. Unfortunately, many mourners feel left alone during this difficult time because family members and friends are overwhelmed by their pain and would rather ignore it or try to comfort them back to 'normal'.

Grief counselling is different - your grief has a safe place here, no matter how long you have been carrying it with you.


As a UmWegGefährtin, I support you in achieving your personal goals or overcoming challenges through professional coaching.

Coaching can be useful if you have been dissatisfied with a situation for a long time and would like to discover new perspectives and solutions. Or if you are not sure whether and how you can turn a goal into reality.

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